Speeding Ticket Lawyer in Krotz Springs, LA

Aside from the financial aspect, speeding tickets in Krotz Springs also come with other potential consequences. Accumulating too many speeding violations may lead to increased insurance rates or the suspension of your driver’s license. Paying a ticket is the same thing as pleading guilty to the speeding charges. Text your ticket to our speeding ticket attorneys today and fight your ticket.

The fine for a speeding ticket in Louisiana varies based on how much you go over the speed limit: $115 for 1-9 mph over, around $215 for 10-14 mph over, and approximately $240 for 15-20 mph over. [1]

Common Speeding Violations in Krotz Springs

In Krotz Springs, Louisiana, there are several common speeding violations that officers ticket for:

  • Exceeding Posted Speed Limit: This violation occurs when a driver operates a vehicle at a speed higher than the maximum posted limit on a particular road or area.
  • Racing or Drag Racing: Engaging in an illegal race or drag race on public roads, where drivers compete to reach high speeds, is both dangerous and highly illegal.
  • Reckless Driving: While not exclusively related to speeding, this violation involves driving in a manner that exhibits a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of others. This can include excessive speeding as well as other dangerous behaviors.
  • Speeding in Construction Zones: Construction zones often have lower speed limits to protect workers and ensure the safety of motorists. Speeding in these areas can result in higher fines and penalties.
  • Speeding in Residential Areas: Residential areas usually have lower speed limits to protect pedestrians, cyclists, and residents. Exceeding these speed limits can lead to fines and other consequences.
  • Speeding in School Zones: School zones often have reduced speed limits during specific hours to ensure the safety of children. Speeding in these designated areas can result in significant penalties due to the increased risk involved.
  • Speeding on Highways or Interstates: Highways and interstates typically have higher speed limits than local roads, but exceeding those limits can still result in speeding violations. Failing to adjust speed when necessary, such as during inclement weather or heavy traffic, can also be considered a violation.


Common Speeding Violations in Krotz Springs


Consequences of Speeding Tickets in Krotz Springs

The consequences of your speeding ticket can vary depending on the specific violation and the severity of the offense. Some common consequences that you may face when receiving a speeding ticket in Krotz Springs include:

  • Fines: Speeding tickets typically come with fines that must be paid by the offender. The amount of the fine can vary depending on the speed at which the driver was caught exceeding the limit. The fines can range from a few hundred dollars to several hundred dollars.
  • Impact on Employment: Certain professions, such as commercial drivers or those requiring a clean driving record, may be affected by speeding tickets. Employers may have policies in place that consider driving infractions, which could lead to negative consequences such as loss of employment or restricted job opportunities.
  • Increased Insurance Premiums: Receiving a speeding ticket can lead to a significant increase in your auto insurance premiums. On average, drivers may see their annual insurance costs increase by $2,000 to $4,000 following a speeding ticket. [2]
  • License Suspension: Excessive speeding or repeat offenses can lead to a license suspension. If a driver accumulates a certain number of tickets within a specific time frame, their license may be suspended for a certain period of time, as determined by the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections.
  • Traffic School or Defensive Driving Courses: In some cases, individuals who receive a speeding ticket may be required to complete a traffic school or defensive driving course. This requirement is often mandated for first-time offenders or those with minor violations. The cost of the course is typically borne by the offender.


Repercussions of Not Paying Speeding Tickets in Krotz Springs

Failure to pay a speeding ticket in Krotz Springs, Louisiana, can lead to a series of escalating repercussions. Some of the potential effects of not paying a speeding ticket include:

  • Difficulty Renewing Registration: Ignoring a speeding ticket can make it difficult to renew your vehicle registration. In many states, including Louisiana, unpaid traffic tickets can prevent you from renewing your vehicle registration. This means you will be unable to legally operate your vehicle until the situation is resolved.
  • Fines and Penalties: Ignoring a speeding ticket can result in additional fines and penalties. The initial ticket already carries a specific fine based on the speed limit exceeded, but if the ticket is ignored, the fine amount may increase. Additionally, a failure to pay the fine can result in additional penalties and fees.
  • Increased Insurance Rates: Ignoring a speeding ticket can result in an increase in your car insurance rates. Insurance companies typically review driving records periodically, and if they discover that you have received a speeding ticket and failed to address it, they may consider you a higher risk and raise your premiums accordingly.
  • License Suspension: Ignoring a speeding ticket can lead to the suspension of your driver’s license. In Louisiana, failure to respond to a traffic citation within a specified time can result in the suspension of your driving privileges. This means you may be unable to legally drive until the issue is resolved.
  • Negative Impact on Driving Record: Ignoring a speeding ticket can negatively impact your driving record. Traffic violations are typically recorded on your driving record, and accumulating multiple violations can result in higher insurance rates, driver’s license suspension, and increased scrutiny from law enforcement.
  • Warrant for Arrest: Ignoring a speeding ticket can eventually result in a warrant for your arrest. If you fail to respond or appear in court regarding the speeding ticket, the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. This can lead to further legal consequences and difficulties.


Repercussions of Not Paying Speeding Tickets in Krotz Springs


Benefits of Hiring Our Speeding Ticket Lawyers in Krotz Springs

There are several ways our speeding ticket lawyers in Krotz Springs can help you resolve your speeding ticket issues. Some of these benefits include:

  • Avoidance of Court Appearances: Dealing with a speeding ticket can be time-consuming, especially if it requires multiple court appearances. By hiring our speeding ticket attorney, you can minimize the need for your presence in court. They can handle all the necessary legal procedures, allowing you to focus on your daily responsibilities.
  • Cost Efficiency: While it may seem counterintuitive to hire a lawyer for a speeding ticket, doing so can often prove cost-effective in the long run. Our speeding violation lawyers can negotiate reduced fines and penalties, potentially saving you money on court expenses, increased insurance premiums, and other additional costs associated with a speeding violation.
  • Experience with Speeding Ticket Cases: Our legal team has extensive experience, specifically in handling speeding ticket cases in Krotz Springs, Louisiana. We understand the best strategies to employ in these cases and can provide personalized advice tailored to your circumstances.
  • Extensive Legal Knowledge: Our speeding ticket attorneys have a thorough understanding of the local traffic laws and regulations. We are well-versed in the specific speeding violations that commonly occur in the area and can provide expert advice on how to handle your case.
  • Increased Chance of Successful Defense: With our experienced legal team on your side, your chances of mounting a successful defense against a speeding ticket increase significantly. Our traffic ticket attorneys will assess the evidence, identify any potential weaknesses in the prosecution’s case, and build a strong defense strategy to secure the best possible outcome for you.
  • Protection of Your Rights: Our traffic attorneys are dedicated to protecting your rights throughout the legal process. They will ensure that all necessary evidence is properly gathered and presented in court, and they will challenge any unfair or incorrect information presented by the prosecution.
  • Reduced Penalties: If you are found guilty of a speeding violation, our citation lawyers can negotiate with the court on your behalf to potentially reduce the penalties. This can include lowering fines, and avoiding license suspension or higher insurance premiums.
  • Reduced Stress: Dealing with a speeding ticket can be stressful, especially if you are unsure about the legal process and potential outcomes. By hiring our speeding ticket lawyer, you can alleviate this stress and have peace of mind knowing that your case is being professionally handled.


Contact Our Experienced Speeding Attorneys in Krotz Springs

If you have received a speeding ticket in Krotz Springs, our legal team at Louisiana Speeding Tickets has a proven track record of successfully handling speeding ticket cases and can provide the personalized legal representation you need.

To schedule a consultation with our speeding ticket attorneys, simply contact our office today. We will review the details of your case, discuss your options, represent you in court, and work with you to develop a strong defense strategy. Don’t let a speeding ticket disrupt your life – let our experienced legal team help you navigate the legal process and achieve the best possible outcome. Contact us today to get started.


Contact Our Experienced Speeding Attorneys in Krotz Springs



[1] Traffic Ticket Fines & Penalties in Louisiana. (n.d.). DMV.ORG. https://www.dmv.org/la-louisiana/traffic-ticket-fines-and-penalties.php

[2] Locke, B. (2024, February 28). How Much Does A Speeding Ticket Cost? (2024). SuperMoney. https://www.supermoney.com/how-much-does-a-speeding-ticket-cost