Shreveport, LA Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Our Louisiana Speeding Ticket Attorneys have successfully defended over a thousand clients facing speeding charges in Louisiana. Text your ticket if you have been charged with a speeding violation. You need the support of a legal team that is experienced with Louisiana laws, procedures, evidence, and sentencing.

#1 Shreveport, Louisiana Traffic Citation Attorney

It is Saturday night and you just turned onto Midway Avenue from Mansfield Road in Shreveport when you see flashing lights in your rearview mirror and hear the siren. Despite minding your own business and driving safely, you have now gotten a Shreveport speeding ticket. How expensive will it be? What sort of problems will it cause aside from out of pocket expenses? What can you and what should you do?

Talk to a competent Louisiana speeding ticket lawyer as your first step. Not all attorneys can do a good job representing you in traffic court and, in fact, some lawyers don’t like to go to court at all and will try to talk you into just paying the ticket online. Shreveport makes a lot of money every year from writing speeding tickets. When you are already paying your taxes to support the city or Caddo Parish, you really don’t want to be paying more than your fair share because of a Shreveport speeding ticket. Talk to a Shreveport speeding ticket attorney and stand up for your rights.

The Business of Issuing Speeding Tickets in Shreveport

A few years ago the Shreveport Times took a look at where traffic ticket money goes. Here is a breakdown of what they found.

Back in 2014, the Shreveport police department issued 29,734 traffic tickets. That works out to be 81 a day or about seven tickets every two hours. On one hand, traffic laws need to be enforced but on the other, issuing traffic tickets is a big business in Shreveport.

When you pay a traffic ticket the payment breaks down to the fine and the court fee. Your fine only makes up 45.6% of what you pay. The fees come to 54.4% according to the Times. The court fee is divided up to support the budgets of 16 separate departments and the fine goes into the City of Shreveport’s general fund.

Back in 2014 when the Times took a look, the total for fines issued was $1,504,878.75 and the court fees came to $1,796,001 for a total of $3,300,879.75. While the police officer who issued the citation may contend that what he was doing was all about safety, the City of Shreveport makes a nice income from issuing traffic tickets.

The point is that you have the right to contest what may, in fact, amount to unfair taxation as well as an issue that complicates your right to drive. Get yourself a Shreveport speeding ticket lawyer who will stand up for your rights, protect your driving record, and your pocketbook.

What Should You Expect from a Shreveport Speeding Ticket Attorney?

Despite your belief that the police set up a speed trap to raise money for the city, this not a defense that will work in traffic court. You will need someone who knows the law and has had lots of success helping folks who have gotten a Shreveport speeding ticket. Long experience with the laws of Louisiana, court procedures, collection and presentation of evidence, and sentencing are all necessary for the best results when you have a Shreveport speeding ticket.

The ideal result of hiring a Shreveport speeding ticket lawyer is that your ticket is thrown out. That may not be possible but your attorney may be able to get the fine and court fees reduced and manage to avoid having points added to your license. What you really need is an experienced Shreveport speeding ticket attorney for is to avoid seeing your insurance rates go up or losing your license due to the infraction. When these later issues are at stake, is when having a professional help with your Shreveport speeding ticket is critical.

Your Lawyer’s Reputation Matters

Too many people get a speeding ticket, go through the process, and learn afterward that they should have hired a different lawyer. How do you know who can do the job for you? Ask how many years the Shreveport speeding ticket attorney has been representing clients in traffic court. Ask about their results. Then ask around, ask your family attorney who they would hire if they were in your situation.

Reputation matters for a couple of reasons. First of all, you want someone who is competent, knows the law, and is known for fighting all out for their clients. This includes spending all of the time needed on your case. There are some competent lawyers that are just too busy with other cases and will not spend the time needed to do the best job for you.

The other reason that reputation matters is that when you have a real fighter for your Shreveport speeding ticket attorney on your side, the judge and everyone else knows it. They will respect your attorney and listen to what they say. And, you will simply get a better deal because no one wants to fight with your attorney, ever!

The Cost of a Shreveport Speeding Ticket

The Cost of a Shreveport Speeding Ticket
Speeding Ticket Lawyer in Shreveport, LA

Getting the best Shreveport speeding ticket attorney may cost more than using someone who rarely goes to court, is uncertain about Louisiana traffic laws, and has a poor reputation. Unfortunately, what you save in legal fees may be dwarfed by what you pay for a fine and court fees, your insurance, or the fact that you could lose your license to drive.

You may be tempted to pay your ticket online, which you can do. The cost will be the same as if you go to court and present no defense. But, before you consider doing this, talk to a Shreveport speeding ticket attorney to make sure that there will not be any problems beyond the expense of paying the ticket. In fact, a competent attorney can tell you when paying online is not an option and when you need to go to court. When this is the case, go with a professional at your side, someone who will protect your rights, and get you through the situation in the best way possible.

When you have a Shreveport speeding ticket, text your ticket to us.

Speeding Ticket Lawyer in Shreveport, LA

Best Rated Speeding Ticket Lawyer in Shreveport, Louisiana