The Average Speeding Ticket Fines in Louisiana

speeding ticket fines

Are you worried about getting caught speeding? Are you wondering about the speeding ticket fines in Louisiana?

Some people speed because they’re worried they’ll be late for an appointment. Others may be getting pressured by the passengers or distracted by other things.

When you get caught speeding less than ten miles an hour over the speed limit, you probably won’t incur much of a consequence. If, however, you’re speeding significantly, you could face fines or even jail time.

Here’s what you need to know…

1. How Much Is a Speeding Ticket in Louisiana?

Fines for a speeding ticket in Louisiana are usually somewhere between $100 and $336.75. Louisiana currently has laws that forbid drivers from driving more than 75 miles per hour on an interstate and 65 miles per hour on a multi-lane highway. You can usually view local speed limits on signs.

The exact cost of your speeding ticket will depend upon how many miles per hour above the limit you were speeding. For example, speeding fifteen miles an hour above the speeding limit can cost you $261.75. Yet speeding 30 miles an hour above the speed limit can cost you $336.75.

Other issues that may impact the actual cost of your ticket include your driving history and your attitude toward the police officer who issued the ticket.

If you have three or more tickets and have been pulled over for dangerous traffic violations, your police officer or judge may not be too forgiving. If, however, it’s your first ticket and you’ve been driving for twenty years, they may be more lenient.

It’s also important to be polite to the police officer who pulled you over. You’ll need to resist the urge to tell them off so you’ll have a better chance of a lower fine.


How Much Is a Speeding Ticket in Louisiana?


2. How Much Can a Speeding Ticket Impact Your Insurance?

A speeding ticket can bring up your insurance by 25%. Factors that affect the actual increase include your insurance company and location. After a speeding ticket in Louisiana, your rates could increase by $670 after a clean record.

After your ticket, it may be in your best interest to choose a less expensive insurance company. You’ll want to shop around to find the best rates you can get with your new record.

3. How Can I Lower My Car Insurance Rates?

In Louisiana, taking a defensive driving course can lower your car insurance rate by 10%. These days, you can take a course online for an affordable price on your own time.

Improving your credit score can also serve to lower your premiums. Another option is to trade your car in for something smaller, as larger vehicles tend to raise your insurance payments.

Expensive or sports cars can also cost you. If you want the best insurance rates, look for something sensible.

In some cases, it may also pay to move somewhere closer to where you’re working. A shorter commute could be a reason for a lower insurance premium.

4. When Do I Need a Speeding Ticket Lawyer?

If your speeding ticket is excessively high or you aren’t facing your first violation, it may be time to look for a qualified speeding ticket lawyer in your area. You may also need representation if you’re facing the possibility of jail time.

Other situations requiring legal assistance include speeding when you’re uninsured or having outstanding warrants for unpaid tickets. You may also have an expired license or be caught driving under the influence.

Situations like this require the expertise of a professional. You’ll need someone on your side who can help you get potential consequences reduced or dismissed.

Believe it or not, the cost of hiring a speeding ticket attorney is actually quite reasonable. A qualified lawyer will know how and where to find errors on the ticket itself, and they may be able to get the ticket reduced or dismissed altogether. And you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that someone who knows what they’re talking about is fighting for you.


When Do I Need a Speeding Ticket Lawyer?


5. How Do I Find the Right Traffic Attorney?

You’ll want to look for a local attorney when you’re ready to hire one. These professionals will have the best knowledge of the laws and regulations in your area.

Go online and see what former clients are saying about the services of local lawyers. In many cases, repeated comments are a good indicator of what you can expect.

Many attorneys have free consultations where you can get an idea of their experience with traffic law. Ask them how much of their caseload is devoted to speeding tickets.

Can they give you an example of a case similar to yours that they won? What was their strategy?

You can ask for at least three references from prospective attorneys. Call them up and ask about their experience.

Was the lawyer professional and respectful? Did they win the case? Were there any unexpected fees throughout the process?

The right attorney will be able to give you a written estimate of their fees from the beginning of the case. If you’re unclear about anything, you should feel comfortable asking questions. The right attorney will listen and help you feel understood.

Local Speeding Ticket Fines

Speeding ticket fines in Louisiana aren’t the end of the world. While your insurance rates may be impacted, you can also work to get better premiums. If your situation is complicated, the help of a good local traffic attorney could be key.

Don’t stop getting smart about your speeding tickets now. For more professional assistance with your traffic ticket situation, contact us today.